Friday, September 17, 2010

Check up…

Ruby’s check up with the pediatrician went very well yesterday. She weighed in at 10lb 4oz (75th percentile), her head is the 75th percentile (I didn’t catch the actual measurements) and her length is 23.5in which they say is off the charts…

Dr. Kim was very encouraged to see how well Ruby is doing. They do a neurologic exam (I can’t really explain all that they do) but Dr. Kim was very happy to see that Ruby is doing everything she is supposed to be doing. Dr. Kim is following up with some of the folks over at Elk’s Rehab just to see what their recommendation is for additional early hearing and vision screenings. Since the big stroke occurred in the visual cortex Dr. Kim wants to catch any affects that might have had on Ruby’s vision or hearing early…the sooner we catch these things the better outcome Ruby will have with therapy.

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