Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holiday Recovery

Yes we are in holiday recovery mode! Getting back in the swing of things and back to the old routine! I realized tonight when I went to download the camera and my phone there are A LOT of photos…I know I have a problem!

So…here are the rest of the photos from Christmas (we enjoyed our time with Papa Pro and all the family and friends we were able to see), Thanksgiving (yep that’s right…back in time), many visits to the park (Ruby LOVES the park…we can’t even say “park” or we are in trouble…she loves the swing and the slide), New Year’s, our first ride in Papa Bear's jet boat and then whatever random misc pictures I could find :)


Ruby is also making great strides (not sure if the pun is intended or not :)) in walking on her own:

Just for fun...

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